Penny's Cake Smash
Penny turned One last week and came to see me for her Smash 'n' Splash session. I love a cake smash shoot even though it can be a bit hit and miss, not always knowing what to expect. They do say never to work with children or animals don't they?! Well I don't agree, I may not work with the four legged variety but I certainly love working with children! Every child reacts differently to a cake smash shoot. We begin with a mini portrait session, wearing their best outfit before things get messy! Penny posed perfectly for us for this part of the shoot but then again she was amazing for the whole session!

She was a little unsure of the cake to begin with but after a little bit of gentle coaxing, she soon got stuck in, albeit delicately! Not so much smashing but more prodding and licking! But then again, a lot of children are never quite sure of what to make of this giant cake that has been placed before them. For many it can be a little if not a lot, overwhelming. The best way to prepare your child for their cake smash shoot is to let them have a play with a cupcake a few days before the session. A cake with some soft buttercream or icing is best so that they can really get stuck in and understand that it's okay to explore it with their hands and to make a bit of a mess!

The final part of the session is the Splash, which is my personal favourite.
As a rule, children love baths! So if the Smash didn't go down spectacularly well with your little one, this is usually where we'll get lots of lovely shots. Complete with lots and lots of bubbles and more ducks than you can shake a stick at, we usually have a lovely time at this stage of the session. Penny certainly did! She was so funny, with all of her little expressions and enough splashing to create a few mini tidal waves!

The whole session usually lasts around an hour but I will always schedule an entire morning or afternoon to devote to your cake smash session. There are never any time restraints at any of my shoots, as you never know how long a child will take to settle into such unfamiliar surroundings. I will take the time to get to know your little one and make them feel as comfortable as possible. In my experience, the best images will always come from a happy and relaxed child.

After the shoot, it will be around two weeks until your images are ready to view. Once edited, you can choose 15 digital images from your gallery which will be transferred onto a beautiful white leather USB key and then a selection of matching prints in varying sizes presented in a stylish white gift box. It really is a beautiful package which serves as a lasting memory of your little one's first birthday. They will only have one 1st birthday so why not celebrate it in a way that you can treasure for many years to come.

For more information simply message me for details at or find me on Facebook.